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The UN Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) have formed the Corporate Action Group for ‘Reporting on the SDGs,’ to enable businesses to incorporate SDG reporting into their existing processes to help achieve the SDGs, with an emphasis on making reporting more accessible to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Expected outcomes of the initiative include a list of business disclosures across the SDGs, a publication on best practice SDG reporting, and further integration of the SDGs into the UN Global Compact Communication on Progress framework and the GRI Standards. The GRI helps businesses, governments and other organizations understand and communicate the impact of business on sustainability issues and provides standards on sustainability reporting and disclosure. [报告可持续发展目标的企业行动小组小册子]

“关于SDGS倡议的报告是联合国全球Compact 2018工具箱中包含的许多动作平台之一。其他平台地址,在其他事物之外,金融创新,健康,低碳和弹性发展,以及全球供应链的体面作品。Action Platforms on ‘Anti-Corruption and Good Governance’ and ‘Water Stewardship in Support of the SDGs’ will be launched towards the end of 2017. The 2018 Toolbox aims to help companies achieve sustainability and contribute to the SDGs, and also includes a curriculum that will be delivered globally and locally in partnership with Global Compact Local Networks. In addition, the Toolbox includes: a Navigator, a digital tool that will enable companies to self-assess their performance and measure progress with respect to the Global Compact’s Ten Principles and the SDGs. Another tool is the Global Opportunity Explorer platform, which depends on co-creation and crowdsourcing to expand the existing pool of sustainable innovation, and connects solutions to sustainable markets based on the Global Compact’s Global Opportunity Reports, which is comprised of 45 market opportunities addressing the SDGs. Other tools include: partnerships, many of which are highlighted in the UN-Business Action Hub; SDG Pioneers, business leaders who are doing an “exceptional job” of advancing the SDGs; and Global Compact LEAD, a recognition given to companies engaging in two or more Action Platforms. [联合国全球紧凑型工具箱]


工发组织和国际经济关系组织(奥尔)签署了谅解备忘录(MOU),以加强合作,通过扩大可持续城市,可再生能源和机构能力建设的合作,加强私营部门进入发展努力的合作。工发组织和伊尔河将:加紧努力从事私营部门实施新的城市议程,以实现SDG 11(可持续城市和社区);寻求资助共同利益部门的资金项目;并开发与私营部门合作的创新商业模式。谅解备忘录还将帮助推进SDG 7(经济实惠,清洁能源)和SDG 17(目标伙伴关系)等。伊尔是一个多利益相关者商业平台,支持经济合作和在国家和城市的可持续投资。[工发组织新闻稿]

小额保险网络成员敦促全球保险业加大对可持续发展目标的支持,强调了小额保险在帮助弱势群体管理风险和实现可持续发展目标方面的关键作用。2017年6月27日至28日在卢森堡举行的网络成员会议上,与会者强调,加强小额保险需要发展该行业的基础设施,包括研究和数据收集。他们还强调,保险业必须帮助提供风险管理服务,使贫困和弱势群体更好地了解和减少风险;根据他们的具体需要和情况,提供负担得起的保险产品;通过投资,在其他事物之外,低排放技术和气候和灾害弹性基础设施。保险在实现SDG 1(无贫困),SDG 2(零饥饿),SDG 3(良好健康和福祉),SDG 5(性别平等),SDG 8(体面的工作和经济增长)和SDG中的担任作用13(气候行动),以及在推进许多其他SDG方面的一个更具间接作用。微生育网络将利益相关者汇集在跨保险价值链中,以减轻穷人和弱势群体面临的风险。[环境署财务倡议新闻稿][微营养网络网站]


On the margins of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), PAGE convened a side event on ‘Recalibrating Market Forces: How Greener and More Inclusive Economies and Finance are Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals.’ The event discussed: progress in green development and innovative ways that green policies are contributing to the SDGs; how greener economies can generate decent green jobs that contribute to climate mitigation and adaptation, poverty eradication and social inclusion; and how PAGE helps governments create an enabling environment for investment, and gives green enterprise, trade and jobs “a place to flourish.”

在活动期间,联合国发展计划(开发计划署)署长Achim Steiner强调,达到2030年可持续发展和SDGS的议程,各国必须通过绿色经济方法,公众转变为更可持续的生产和消费模式转变为更可持续的生产和消费模式。行业激励措施,以及有利的监管和政策环境。他进一步强调,私营部门投资在解决气候变化方面的关键作用,推进可以开放新市场,增加竞争力,导致更高的储蓄,保护长期利润,使公司和国家能够越互跨越技术,并回应不断发展的消费者需求和股东利益。他强调了伙伴关系的重要性,指向页面和贫困环境倡议(PEI)作为这种协作的例子。页面协调在绿色经济上联合国行动,协助各国实现和监测SDG,特别是SDG 8(体面的工作和经济增长)。[联合国开发计划署的新闻稿][开发计划署管理员声明][活动网站][页面的网站]
